Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Finding Fanny

Devicka and I have traveled to Goa each year in last 20 years so that makes it around 20 trips. Some years we have missed out but that has been more than compensated by more than one trip in several years. Often we have hired a car and gone off the beaten track.  The landscape can be stunning at times. You can take a turn somewhere and be suddenly faced with a water body in the form of a swirling river or a calm lake. It could just be a pond. You can reach a remote picturesque village with the old world charm with green hills forming as backdrop and as you enter a small shop to buy a soft drink you realize that it is actually a small bar. You will find someone who looks like Naseeruddin Shah in one of the bars no matter what time you go. It could be 10 in the morning. He will be brooding and drinking some stinking feni. If you sit down for a while with him he will start philosophizing and then break into a song in his gruff voice.

This is the beauty of ‘Finding Fanny.’  I could identify with the place and its people.  The movie is about a road trip and each character grows on you as the movie progresses. So much so that Fanny becomes insignificant and the trip takes the centre stage.

We saw the film in English version after reading that the ‘puns’ in the movie come out better in English version. I kept laughing from the beginning to end. At times the humor is dark but it is still funny. You could actually laugh at the death of an animal or a lovable character!
Deepika looks gorgeous as she is with minimal makeup, straight hair and nice and simple clothes like skirts and dresses which suit her fine figure. She has a lovely smile. She is like a girl next door though I must confess there was no such girl next door when I was growing up. Don’t blame me if I enjoyed her seducing Arjun Kapoor.  Pankaj Kapur, Arjun, Dimple and Naseer are more than competent and each one of them is a lovable character. Pankaj Kapur once again shows what talent is. He can fit into any role and bring it alive.

The art of enjoying a movie is not to analyse the movie while watching it. Enjoy the photography, story, acting, narration and the dialogues. There is enough in this movie to discuss and analyse. There are a lot ifs and buts. There are dark hidden moments and some riveting moments. But that will only come when you enjoy the film. If you havn’t enjoyed the film then it’s not worth analyzing. As far as I am concerned- I want to watch it in hindi as well.